At any age it can be difficult to take care of your personal needs. Activities like bathing or getting dressed may be a challenge or even compromise your safety.
Consumer-directed services (CDS), although similar in nature to in-home services, are provided to persons with a physical disability and do not include any task performed by a licensed professional.
Elder abuse is a growing concern in many societies, with legal systems defining it differently based on severity, intent, and circumstances. The […] The post Is Elder Abuse a Felony or Misdemeanor? Legal Consequences Explained appeared first on Senior Citizen Journal.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps have revolutionized how individuals transfer money, providing convenience and speed. However, these apps are also a prime target […] The post What Precaution Can Individuals Take to Avoid Falling Victim to Scams on P2P Payment Apps? Essential Safety Tips appeared first on Senior Citizen Journal.